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Explore & Connect with same movie taste fellas. Get inspired, Easily find & enjoy Movies of your taste
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Few Awesome Features

If you've ever wished you could find friends who appreciate the nuances of cinema as much as you do, Reelfellas is the platform you've been waiting for
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Can't wait to recommend to your friend after seeing a movie, which you enjoyed a lot ? Here with Reelfellas you can recommend movies directly to all your friends.

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How it would be, if there was a place where we could find articles, reviews, break-ups, and experiences of people about a movie all in one place.

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12 Angry Men (1997) VS Aattam

"12 Angry Men" (1997), a modern adaptation of the 1957 classic, and "Aattam" (2023), a Malayalam film, both offer compelling insights..

Movie Review

A Cinematic Gem Celebrating Life's Humble Triumphs : Maheshinte Prathikaram

This movie explores themes of pride, vengeance, love, and self-discovery..


Top 10 Malayalam Films ever made

Here are ten of the most acclaimed and beloved Malayalam films, spanning various genres and eras..

Movie Review

Capturing Life's Vibrancy: A Journey with Kodachrome

A film about reconciliation—not only between father and son but also within oneself..

There are only two kinds of movies:
those you like & those you don't
There are no universally good or bad movies.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a movie streaming app? Can I watch films ?

No, It is not a movie streaming app. You just explore & find same movie taste fellas in our app and by follow them and building a network of people with same tase, you will get movie recommendations.

Should I get paid for my reviews?

No. We don't offer any payments for your reviews. it is just like a social media for film lovers, where you can find same taste friends and follow them.

Are you doing paid promotions for movies?

No. We don't doing any paid promotions for movies. Our Ratings and reviews are build based on user's rating only.

How do I delete my account?

If you no longer wish to use the service, you may deactivate your account in Settings (this action requires your password). Deactivated accounts remain in this state until reactivated by you (using a link we'll email you).

Is it a Free app OR need to purchase?

Reelfellas is completly free to use. You don't need to purchase anything, Let's get start use now.